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بِسْمِ اَللَّهِ اَلرَّحْمَنِ اَلرَّحِيمِ.. الحمدلله رب العالمين، والصلاة والسلام على أشرف المرسلين، وعلى اله وصحبه أجمعين. أما بعد

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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

++ How to make the perfect HotChoc/Ovaltine/Milo Frappucino


Saja ak ltk sini...kot nak share recipe dgn korg yg nak prepare bende2 simple...

Hot Choc/Ovaltine/Milo Frappucino

Hot chocolate Pictures, Images and Photos


Milo/Choc/Ovaltine (whatever you like)
Marshmallow@Choc Chip (optional)

How to Make it:

First, put milk in a pan, heat it.

While heating, put spoonfuls of Milo/Choc/Ovaltine into your mug, with sugar. How much? well, as much as you usually use! Put also the Choc Chips or Marshmallows if you have.
Then, look at the milk. if it simmers (little bubbles form) then it is ready! lower the heat a little. Put a few spoonfuls of that scalding hot milk into the Milo/Ovaltine/HotChoc, enough until it dissolves. Stir.

Take the hot milk carefully, and put it into a thermos or water container that can stand heat. Close the lid, and...SHAKE SHAKE BANANA! (Goncang sekuat hati sambil menari dengan lagu kegemaran anda)

After shaking for a minute, the milk will turn frothy (Foodtech ppl: Ni sebab coagulation of milk protein at 88-90 degrees).

Then, open the lid, pour the hot, frothy milk to the Choc in the mug.
Then sprinkle a little bit of the Choc/Ovaltine/Milk Powder on top of the white frothy bubbles....

Then apa lagi? Jom...Kita Enjoyyy!!!!

hot chocolate Pictures, Images and Photos

*Diambil dr buku Jamie Oliver--Happy Days*

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Mari Me'release' tension~

To those yang mengantuk especially with this gloomy weather or yang tengah stress, pls do this simple exercise below :)

Selamat Mencuba!!

ni ala taichi sikit la… sebagai intro dan warming up..

tiru la macam ni… untuk melegakan bahu dan leher..


gerak kekanan kemudian ke kiri..

gerak ke kiri kemudian ke kanan

ikut je ler… jangan terpusing kepala udah la..

tepuk kuat kuat kat dahi.. ni untuk hilang mengantuk..

dah tu buat gerakan tangan dan badan… buat macam happy aje..

kemudian goyang2 kaki dan badan sikit… buat macam takde masalah…

buat secara agresif pula… jangan peduli apa orang lain kata..

hilangkan semua stress…

pusingkan kepala…

tengok muka kat cermin sambil goyang2.. lawa tak…

akhir sekali buat joget kucing…


kalau tak hilang juga stress tu ambil bantal kecik gi tidur bawah meja..



Renungan Sejenak -

"Mahkota kemanusiaan ialah rendah hati." "Jangan memberi makanan kepada orang lain yang anda sendiri tidak suka memakannya." "Yang memimpin wanita bukan akalnya, melainkan hatinya."

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