Sushi King , one of the most delicious seafood restaurant..
Breakfast menus... Seafood.. @ Sushi King. my family and I went to Bangi for our final Hari Raya shopping before we leaving for Johor early in the morning [after subuh prayer].. well, i am feeling so happy to meet my loving grandparents again.. and for me, hari raya is one of the great day for me and whole relatives meet again..
we bought few Kuih & Biskut raya (cookies) for us and atuk in Johor at Warta Shopping mall, Bangi..
Then at 6.30 pm, we arrived at The Mines shopping mall and around 7.10pm we had our dinner (break fast) at Sushi King Restaurant ..went back home at 9 pm..
Have a nice day! =) wasalam..
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