سلامت داتڠ .. (^_^)
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Jangan Lupa Membaca Bismillah dan Berselawat Kepada Nabi S.A.W. Semoga Pengembaraan Anda di Blog Najeeba DiBerkati Allah..Ameen.. Syukran wa Jazakallhu Khairan.. :)
Monday, February 9, 2009
++ Tips final exam for student and for those will have an exam...
1. Before the Exam
~ Review your summary sheets for an overall view of the material. Recite information in your own words.
~ Get enough sleep. Avoid caffeine which increases anxiety.
~ Remember to encourage yourself.
~ Give yourself time to feel composed and to be on time for the exam.
2. During the Exam
~ Look over the entire test, READ THE DIRECTIONS, plan your approach and schedule your time.
~ Essay Exams- Organize your thoughts in a brief outline. Look for key words such as compare, contrast, describe, identify. Start with a short summary or topical sentence and then make your points. Remember points that the professor emphasized.
~ Objective Exams- Think of your own answer before looking at the choices provided. After you have answered those you know, return to those that you were unsure about. Eliminate clearly wrong answers and make an educated guess. Focus on one question at a time.
~ Use all the time allowed for reviewing your answers.
3. After the Final Exam
~ Reward yourself for having tried.
~ Don’t go over test questions with others. You can learn from the returned exam.
~ Always consider resources which can aid you in reaching your academic goals: Tutor, lecturer, Mentor and Parents.
Good luck!
Source: Mdm Jamaliah Jamil (JJ) Lecturer from Unitar,PJ
"Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi juga kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu. Allah mengetahui sedang kamu tidak mengetahui"...
Mari Me'release' tension~
Selamat Mencuba!!
ni ala taichi sikit la… sebagai intro dan warming up..
tiru la macam ni… untuk melegakan bahu dan leher..
gerak kekanan kemudian ke kiri..
gerak ke kiri kemudian ke kanan
ikut je ler… jangan terpusing kepala udah la..
tepuk kuat kuat kat dahi.. ni untuk hilang mengantuk..
dah tu buat gerakan tangan dan badan… buat macam happy aje..
kemudian goyang2 kaki dan badan sikit… buat macam takde masalah…
buat secara agresif pula… jangan peduli apa orang lain kata..
hilangkan semua stress…
pusingkan kepala…
tengok muka kat cermin sambil goyang2.. lawa tak…
akhir sekali buat joget kucing…
kalau tak hilang juga stress tu ambil bantal kecik gi tidur bawah meja..
0 wahai manusia..berpesan-pesanlah..COMMENT me!:
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