In preparing for the customary "balik kampung" drive on every festive holiday, we've prepared a check-list for the do's and don'ts before you embark on the safe journey home:
- Stop at a designated rest area if you feel drowsy or sleepy to exchange driver or to rest for a while before continuing with the journey.
- Obey the speed limit. Leave early to avoid being late.
- Obey all traffic signages and directions.
- Do not overtake a blind corners or where overtaking is strictly prohibited.
- Do not beat the traffic lights.
- Seatbelts are a must.
- Plan your journey. Decide what rout you intend to take
- Be patient on the road. Avoid getting angry at the wheel. Why ruin your journey and holiday?
- Never overtake on the left.
- Do not jump queue.
- Bring along your list of road assistance or emergency telephone numbers in case you require any assistance along the way.
- Stow away safely all loose items in the car. You do not projectiles in the event.
- Use your indicators. Signal your intention to turn left, right or stop.
- When stopping the vehicle, make sure you do not leave children unattended to inside the car.
- Do not stop along the highway unless in an emergency. The safest place to pull over is at the designated rest areas.
- If it rains heavily and visibility becomes impaired, switch on the vehicle lights.
- Check the condition of your wipers and if required, have them replaced.
- Have a reflective safety triangle in the car in the event of a breakdown to warn oncoming motorists.
- Check the vehicle fluids level; engine oil, water and coolant, clutch and brake fluid, battery fluid, etc.
- Check the condition of your vehicle's clutch or auto gear and the brakes.
- When driving at night, stay alert and watch out for vehicles (travelling with the defective tail lights).
- Keep both hands on the steering wheel at all times and all eyes on the road.
- Monitor your engine temperature and fuel gauge periodically.
- Do not reverse your vehicle on the highway, if you're missed a turn off.
- Be sure to use the child lock function for the safety of children in the back of the car.
- Do not tailgate.
- Keep to the left unless overtaking.
- Make sure your home is secured.
- Check to make sure your have everything important or need with you (extra car keys, house keys, important documents etc)
Before you leave your office or house for the long week end break, "SAFETY FIRST", please ensure that you switch off all the non-essential appliances, lightings, water taps, gas tanks and secured all entries and exits into the building including doors and windows.
You may contact the following government agencies' hot-line services if you are in an emergency or require police assistance during the holiday:
- Emergency Number 999
- Bukit Aman Police Hotline at tel:
- Rakancop hotline
03-2115 9999
on crime related problems or SMS 32728.
- For road information or complaint, please the JPJ Hotline at tel:
03-8886 6412
- For any complaints on highway maintenance works or obstruction, you may call Public Work Department (PWD) toll free line at 1-800-88-5004 or SMS DAPAT (32728).
"Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi juga kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu. Allah mengetahui sedang kamu tidak mengetahui"...
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