[ZERO] Who was your last text from?
~ al-Rebani~
[ ONE ] Where was your default pic taken?
~ me maself and I ..several places~
[ TWO ] What' s your profile name?
~ JiebahOshin~
[ THREE ] your relationship status?
~ It's Complicated !!~
[ FOUR ] Have you ever lost a close friend?
~ha ah~
[ FIVE ] What is your current mood?
[ SIX ] whats ALL of your brothers and sisters name?
~ Nabihah, Nabil, Nabilah, Muhammad~
[ SEVEN ] fvorite color(s)?
~ Purple White Pink Black~
[EIGHT] If you could go back in time and change something, would you?
~ i cant..so dun hv to think bout it~
[NINE] Have a crazy side?
[TEN] Ever had a near death experience?
~No, hopefully not!~
[ELEVEN] Something you do alot?
~ Thinking~
[TWELVE] Angry at..
~me myself n i~
[THIRTEEN] Whats stopping you from going for the person you love?
~HisSelf,Family + Situation~
[FOURTEEN] When is the last time you cried?
~Dun Rememba~
[FIFTEEN] Who would you do anything for?
~my parents..+ Ma Loving Fam~~
[EIGHTEEN] Do u like someone in ur top frends?
~oh tidak~
[NINETEEN] What kind of phone do you have?
[TWENTY] Who u trust more?
[TWENTY-ONE] Do you still watch kiddy movies or TV shows?
~Pingu~ Nut..Nut!! hehe~~
[TWENTY- THREE ] Do you speak any other languages?
~English..Arab sket2, German~
[TWENTY-FOUR] Who is your friend that your really close to?
~My Mum~
[TWENTY-FIVE] Describe your life in one word?
[TWENTY-SIX] Have you ever kissed in the rain?
[TWENTY-SEVEN ] What are you thinking about right now?
~Whut should i do next?~
[TWENTY-EIGHT ] What should you be doing right now ?
[TWENTY-NINE] What is your favorite memory?
~went to Switzerland .. O no!! I miss it Alots~~
[THIRTY] What are you listening to?
~sound of fan + TV,Muhammad's voice~
[THIRTY- ONE] Who was the last person that told you I love you?
~sape eh?~
[THIRTY-TWO] Who was the last person who yelled at you?
~No one.. rasanya la.~
[THIRTY- THREE ] Do you act differently around the person you like?
~oh yea, kalau time mengelabah.. :p hehe~
[THIRTY-FOUR] What is your natural hair color?
~dark dark dark browwn~
[THIRTY- FIVE] Who was the last person to make you smile?
0 wahai manusia..berpesan-pesanlah..COMMENT me!:
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