Sungguh indah terang benderang Kaabah di Mekah juga gambar Madinah dari satelit.Orang-orang Barat sentiasa mahu mengkaji kawasan Tanah Haram, tetapi apa yang mereka jumpa sungguh ajaib dan menunjukkan kekusaan Allah seperti luasnya air telaga zam-zam yang tak pernah kering walaupun telah digunakan sekian lamanya.
Maha Suci Allah! Namun ada juga yang kata sebab marmar putih yang ada di Kaabah.
Kawasan Bumi Kaabah Terang Benderang.Ku lihat dari kacamata satelit.

Madinah, Via Satelite (1 meter IKONOS, Dec. 1999)
Masjid-e-Nabawi, The Mosque of Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him. The white marble brings out the Masjid easily against the dark terrain and surrounding buildings. (1) Masjidun Nabawi (2) Bab-e-Jibrael, The Gate of Jibrael (Angel Gabriel, the gate through which he entered). Be sure to enter the Majid through here to attain much reward on your visit, insha-Allah. And then, when you leave, leave through the adjacent door, passing the grave of Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) where you may greet him. Buried here (between 2 and 3) are also Hadhrat Abu Bakr Siddique Radiallahu Anhu, and Hadhrat Umar Radiallahu Anhu. (3) the green dome of the Masjid (4) Jannatul Baqee. Here is the final resting place for many of the great companions (May Allah be pleased with them) of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. It borders the Mosque at the top, and down to the street at the bottom of the image where the 4 is located. (5) Shops, bazaars. (6) Hotels
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